

Lanus, Buenos Aires - Argentina

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BLOKBASTER was formed during the 2020 pandemic lockdown by Lucas Castellano, Guillermo Hartl and Nahuel Cossu who were all well acquainted from a previous psychedelic rock project.
Bound together by this experience (brought to a close due to the pandemic), the trio resolved to explore new ways of composition by adapting themselves to the new circumstances. In this experimentation process, they built the foundations for their first studio album SOVIETPUNK.

Carrying a sound that ranges from Rock, Pop to Post-Punk with hints of psychodelia, the record explores the path of self-destruction as a spiritual transition to emancipation.
The first single for the album titled Estafar was released in May 2022.

BLOKBASTER debut live performance was staged at the first edition of the Distortpia cycle in June 2022.
The second single for the album titled Déjame was released in July 2022.
Both songs, recorded in late 2021 with the music production duo Daverio-Volcoff, reveal the pop and mainstream side of the band.

Throughout 2022, the band performs in most of the most well-known venues in the current underground culture, such as El Emergente, El Matienzo, Espacio Moscú, Strummer band, among others. Their live performances are known for their thundering power trio sound accompanied by a set of visuals that compose a narrative in itself, building an audiovisual work in each presentation.
After securing themselves a place in the underground venue, the band has decided to take a break to record the rest of SOVIETPUNK, again with the duo Daverio-Volcoff in the producing and mixing role.

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